Saturday, June 30, 2012

Culture Shock.


Today, I woke up feeling a bit overwhelmed and homesick. I usually feel this way on the weekends based off of the fact that my weekends are pretty much spent by myself. In my hotel room.

I am trying different ways to to try and calm my anxiety, because as most of you know, Daniel doesn't do so well in a 48sq ft hotel room for too long by himself. Jon can attest that after spending too much time in an enclosed space, I become annoying, antsy and need to get out. Well, I have certainly found out how annoying I can become.

When there isn't someone else here to annoy, one begins to annoy themself. :)

A lot of you are probably saying to yourself, "Daniel, you are in India! Get out and explore!"

Well it's not that easy. I can have my driver come and pick me up and take me to different locations, but when you come from a city like omaha of 1 million people (including surrounding areas) and travel 7k miles to a city of 17 million people (including surrounding areas), you tend to undergo what is known as Culture Shock.

*And what I like to call tourist wallet, which means that everyone knows you are a tourist, and want to empty your wallet.

I am not saying that I am not taknig advantage of my time here, because I am, it's just taking a bit longer to get used to than I thought it would. Some days, I just want a cheeseburger and the Kardashians on E!. Is that so bad?

I think a lot of us take advantage of what we have in the States. finding a drag queen here is looking for a needle in a haystack. The freedom that we have in America is unlike anything that I have here. The ability to step outside of a hotel for a smoke is completely different here. Before I go outside, I think about what I have in my pockets, and what I can leave in the hotel room so I don't have to take it out when going through the metal detector to get back in. This is certainly NOT  a bad thing, but you think of the cultural differences from America to a foreign country.

Some of you have traveled internationally and can relate, and I certainly have it a lot easier than most, but that doesn't change the detatchement that one experiences from home. By the way, did you know that TomKat are getting a divorce? Oh, and Sharen, in case you didn't know (which I highly doubt you didn't hear already), Adele is pregnant.

Thank Buddha for Facebook.

More Americans are coming out on Wednesday this week. Looking forward to being able to carry on a conversation with someone who understands my studder and convoluted way of speaking. :)

Sense of Humor. This is not an Indian characterisitc. Don't think it is, because it isn't. My trainees laugh at my jokes as a sign of respect, not as a genuine characteristic of my hilariousness.  I think I am funny. Them, not so much. It makes for a tough crowd, and a long day.

I went and bought several pairs of shoes today, as a token of respect for gays across the world (HAPPY PRIDE), and felt much better after a quick Skype with my mommy.

I also found some very encouraging FB messages from a few friends, and a great article about culture shock. Thanks, Ashley and Josh.

I guess I never understood that culture shock goes beyond the initial thought of Sh*t it's hot here, and the traffic is awful!

I didn't realize that it comes in stages, and that I should take for granted what I have, and what I will be going home to.  I have to really thank Ashley and Josh for the words and the encouragement, and my fantastic boyfriend for being so patient with me while I continue to better myself and my career. Jon, you have been so supportive of my endeavors, and I know that sometimes my decisions are made without the thoughts of others, but you understand that these are things I need to experience, and have no problem going along with my shenanigans when it comes to continue to excel at my career. I know it can't always be easy for you, but you put on a brave face for me, and I love you for it.

My parents have been great, and so has my family. It's tough missing holidays and births of my first nephew, but I am pretty sure he will forgive me for it when he gets hold of all the fabulous clothes I am goint to buy him.  I am truly blessed to have this experience.

The rewards will ALWAYS outweigh the challenges.


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