Friday, June 22, 2012

BMWs are nice, but not for India.

Happy Friday!

I certainly like a nice car just as much as the next person, but never would I think of having a BMW in Delhi.

I was stressed out for this BMW owner next to us maybe just as much as he was... We came close to sideswiping him twice. As a matter of fact, we actually did sideswipe a car today on the way home... While I was on a conference call heading back to the hotel.

"Yes, absolutely, I agree 100% that we need to, holy cow, holy cow. HOLY COW! HOLY COW! HOLY COW!" I exclaimed.

No pun intended, India.

We side-swiped this car, and all Mohan did was look at the other party, who in turn, shared the same look. Then, we continued on our way.  I am slowly starting to get used to the traffic, and how close everyone drives to each other, and the amount of people that try to sell me window shades and ask for money in dead-locked traffic, but I don't think I will quite ever understand someone's ability to drive away from an accident with sharing glares as opposed to insurance information.

Mohan mentioned that the only time that police are called is when there is somone hurt, and a car is unable to move. It was broken English, but I am pretty sure that's what he said. I do a lot of nodding and laughing with him.

Can you imagine? Running into someone, and giving a wave, and continuing on your merry way. I suppose that I have not seen more serious accidents because people never go fast enough in this city to actually cause damage...

Tomorrow I am going shopping in the Delhi markets. Priyanka, my partner trainer, is taking me to see the Rasthapati Bhavan, which is the president of India's home. I am SUPER excited about it, I have seen pictures, and it looks beautfiul.

Next weekend, I may or may not have agreed to a date with Mohan, his wife, and a woman he wants me to meet to go out to the "Disco". I am pretty sure that he said that gentlemen cannot go to this club unaccompanied, and that he will "show me a good time".. Sorry Jon, I may be going on a date with a woman with what I believe he said a think behind.  I don't think I am really in a place to say no to anything being that I am in India. Well, I am sure there is a few things I should say no to...

With all that said, I think the real question is, Why would you live here and think it's okay to buy a BRAND NEW BMW?



  1. hahaha! Great post! miss you Danny! hope you don't mind me stalking you every day on these posts :)

  2. Of course I don't mind! That's why I set it up! Miss you, too!!

  3. Oooh, Danny's got a date!! I can't wait to hear the details....
