Thursday, June 21, 2012

Boars, Bangles, and Bindis, oh my!

Boars, Bangles, and Bindis, oh my!

Today marks the first full week that I have been in India!!!

What an experience it has been so far. Just a quick update- I am going out to dinner with the some people from the center I am working at tomorrow night, and get this- They are taking me to a chinese restaurant... LOL

Anyhow, I learn so much about this culture every day. I learned that newly weds (...depending on the state of India they are from and religion) have to wear these beautiful bangles for a full year after their marriage. Some religions state that you have to wear bangles until the rest of your life, and you may not take them off.

On a side note, I am starting to see wild boars every day in the rubble piles, and they are so cute! I want to take one back to Omaha and have him live at Jon Beeck's house. I also see a large amount of stray dogs all over the place. Those I will store at Brent Winters' house.

This weekend, I am going into Delhi to find some Indian Markets. Bindi's are about 10 rupees (similar to 20 cents)for a pack of 100, so I plan on getting all sorts of different kinds to bring back for everyone. I am also going to buy some jewelry and bangles made of glass, gems, and silver. I am waiting to go to the mall next to my hotel being that its just like a regular mall. I want to ensure I get a lot of unique items while I am here.

Mohan, my driver, sideswiped a pedestrian the other day. He stopped and talked to the gentleman in hindi for a moment, before telling the pedestrian that I was a client, and the pedestrian said okay, have a good day and Mohan drove off. I told him that if we were in a America, he would be slapped with a lawsuit.

I really miss ice. And for because power is not a constant thing in Gurgaon, My hotel frequently has short power outages, which really stinks whenn I am trying to get ready for work in the morning, but as I have said since I got here, the rewards outweigh the challenges. I will be starting a blog eventually, so until then, keep looking for updates here. I hope all is well in the States!

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  1. OMG - are any of the stray dogs dachshunds? If so, stuff a few in your bag and bring them home for me!

  2. Chinese food, lol. I want a Bindi! Hope you are having fun, stop side-swiping people!
