Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Elevate THIS.


So, I suppose I should start today's blog with the most interesting thing that happened today.

I was in class training some teammates, and there is this very shy girl in the class named Zuma. I always try and have fun with the shy ones because sometimes you can see their personality shine through if you pay enough attention to them.

We were working emails, and she called me over to check the email she was currently working on, and I said, as a joke, for her to get up and go help the rest of the class because  I was tired, and wanted to sit down for awhile.

She did.

When I explained to her that I was just kidding, I asked, " Are you mad at me?"

Apparently, she thought I said, "Will you marry me?" To which she replied, "No, sorry Mr. Hall, I am already married."


She said it so nonchalantly, that I wasn't sure if she was kidding or not! When I informed her that I asked if she was mad at me, she said that she didn't know what I was saying because my accent was so bad.

Not as shy as I thought....

I also got stuck in an elevator for 15 minutes in my hotel. Yes, 15 minutes. That also might be the most interesting thing that happened to me today. :)

I couldn't believe how long 15 minutes can be when you are stuck in such a small space. I have never been one to be claustrophobic, but let me tell you, I was S-C-A-R-E-D. I got into the elevator on the first floor, and as you may remember, my hotel has frequent temporary power outages. As I got into the elevator, I pressed my floor number and the doors closed. I could begin to feel the elevator moved, when it came to a sudden halt, and while I was pounding away at my Blackberry, I made a loud, high-pitched, yip ( to those of you who have heard it, yeah, your right. It was REALLY girly). 

I proceeded to cover my mouth, and embarrassed, looked around the 2x3 meter (yes, I said meter, I am in India, after all), enclosed box to see if anyone heard me, but alas, I was alone, surrounded by mirrors. Normally, I would be in heaven, due to the amount of walls I could look at that contained a reflection that I could look into, however, my attention went straight to the lift display (yes, lift, I said it. Remember? INDIA?). 

Nothing. No floor number, no power.

I looked down at my blackberry, and didn't have any bars. It was like a really corny scary movie. Remember Redeye, with Rachel McAdams, and she was driving, and her phone happened to die at the exact moment she needed to call someone? Not only was it an awful movie, but totally predictable. That's kind of how I felt.

I felt as if I was going to have to be rescued by the Indian Rescue team, and all I could think of was how pissed at myself I was for not waking up the extra 15 minutes early so I could polish my shoes.

I am totally vain, you all knew that about me, don't act surprised.

Anyhow, the elevator started moving again, and it took me to the second floor. I stepped off, and there was a couple that stepped off the elevator to my right, with a look of death on their faces. We both looked at each other, and looked at the elevators. The lights were not lighting up again, however, the couple felt it was okay to go into my elevator and try and continue their ride. I advised against it.

We waited a few minutes and then the lights came back on on the elevator, so I took it to my floor. That sounds like that advice was given to me from the girl who decides to run upstairs instead of outside when the killer is chasing her in horror movies...

I digress-

Overall, it was an exciting day. I got turned down on a marriage proposal by a woman whom I have only known for 10 days, and made life choices only a big-chested blonde bimbo from Halloween would make. Happy Tuesday.



  1. Now you should go teach all of them what $2 tuesday's would have been like :) great post. you are cracking me up! i love it!

  2. Dez, a marriage proposal on a $2 Tuesday would have probably been a yes... lol, If I showed this group how we used to roll, I would get fired. :)
