Monday, July 9, 2012

Have a Waterball! Just don't have 5.

I have been very busy over the last week! Sorry for the delay in writing.

We have two mentors in from Arizona and a CS Manager and Team Leader in from Kuala Lumpur, so it's been quite busy ensuring that they all get settled!

I did a bit more site-seeing over the last couple of days. Saturday, we went out to the Dilli Haat, which in Hindi means "Heart of Delhi" and did some shopping. I tried my very first, and most likely, last, "waterball".

A Waterball consists of hollowed out fried dough in which the person making them for you puts in a mixture of lentils and potatoes. At that point, they dip it into a watery broth that contains different spices, but mostly mint takes priority. One would then stick the entire "ball" into their mouths to avoid spilling on themselves, as once you take a bite of it, the different flavors flood your mouth.

It is indeed quite delicious, don't get me wrong, but the understanding is that you have to find a place that does this a bit more sanitary. The stand that I got these from stated that they used mineral water for the broth. Needless to say, The last two days have been spent in my bathroom, vomiting, or...otherwise.

A little bit of water here will not necessarily effect you in a way that you become violently ill, for example, I sometimes have the hotel use a few ice cubes in my cocktails at night, but I have been drinking whiskey, and I assume that any bacteria or the same would be killed off by what I choose to drink prior to affecting me. :)

The hotel water is fine, I still don't drink it straight from the faucet, but it's fine. It's a 5-star hotel, for crying out loud.

I guess what I am trying to say is, I don't think the 76 year old man on the corner of a crowded hot street was using mineral water in his mint broth...

Needless to say, I recommend trying one if you ever enter India, but I would say ONLY one, don't go overboard. They are delicious. I also found out that several people use the fried hollow dough at parties and fill them with tequila.

That might be a waterball I am willing to try. Not today, of course. I gag when I even type the word...

Besides that, there was some exceptional items at Dilli Haat, like the 29 different handmade and stoned bags that I purchased for about the equivalent to 30 cents each. I was told to bargain in the markets, so anytime a price was provided, you counter with half. Believe it or not, it really works. :)

I witnessed this myself, as well as ants with wings. Yes, ants with wings. In order to avoid monsoon season here and not get killed, Ants actually develop wings during monsoon season so they can avoid being flooded by the heavy rain that takes place in July and August. From what I understand, after the season is over, the wings fall off, and continue to live their lives. CRAZY. Let me tell you, these things were HUGE. So you can imagine how I looked when I would bat around my face every five minutes in Dilli Haat afraid of some ants (That don't bite) but nonetheless scare the crap out of me.  I tried my hardest to maintain any masculine sensibility that I had in my body at the time these things were flying into my face, but as most of you know, I failed. Miserably.

More later, I think I have to visit the restroom.


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