Monday, July 30, 2012

[What Seems Like] An Eternity Down, One Week to Go!


Miss me yet?

I miss you.

Only 1 more week from Tuesday! I can't believe it! I am super excited to see what and how many welcome home parties the boys are putting on for me. :P

I keep forgetting that it's Alyssa's week, too, figuring how she's getting married and all…

I did happen to get a fantastic suit made while I have been here in a dark grey color with very subtle pin strips on it. Final fitting tomorrow, and if all goes well, I will get to take it home.

This last weekend, I went to the Qutub Minar, which is a fort/tomb that has a very tall monument made out of red sandstone.  It was incredible.  I didn't have a guide to tell me what it is  about, so that's all you get on that.

I have taken advantage of every aspect of this trip… The following is a list of different sites I have seen:

Humayun's Tomb
India Gate
Rasthrapati Bhavan
Holy Sacred Catholic Church
Hare Krishna Temple
Qutub Minar
Red Fort
Taj Mahal
Dilli Haat (Twice. :))
Kingdom of Dreams
Lotus Temple

There's also a museum completely dedicated to dolls. I, however will pass on that one.

Two of the mentors went back to the States this week. While I miss them,  it makes me realize that my time here is limited. I have tried yoga for the first time, got to watch some guys bowl in sandals, seen some amazing places, and made some great friends along the way.

I guess the best way to describe this trip, is that India and I have a love/hate relationship.

Iza and I were talking the other night, and she asked me what I felt India was like, if I thought it was expensive or inexpensive.

I told her, ''Both''. Someone here told me that India is what you make of it, and the people make the culture. I thought that was a great way to put it. You can have as much fun as you want here, and you can hate it here just the same.

I'd like to think that I have made the best of my trip here, and I have had some great experiences with the people that tagged along. They kept up with my quirkiness, and encouraged my creativity and thirst to be different, and try different things.  I have tried things here that I would have never thought I would. And don't worry, it's all good things. Besides the diarrhea water balls. Don't try those.


Apparently, in Gurgaon it is illegal now to smoke out of a hookah because too many people were smoking marijuana out of it. Strawberry Marijuana. All of you stoners are probably drooling right now, however I just want to smoke out of one. Tobacco. Strawberry mariju...I mean, Tobacco. 

Seriously, I mean tobacco. I am not smoking pot in a country I have never been in. I will NOT be on "Locked up Abroad."


That show freaks me out.

Teammates are starting to request me to be their friend on Facebook. I think its weird, and incredibly inappropriate, so I have decided to let their requests sit until I return,  at which time, I will most likely decline the request, and send an email explaining my actions.

I feel  that if you are going to accept those type of things, you have to be consistent, so if you accept one, you have to accept all. I am not in a place where I want all 35 people I just got done training to look into my life as closely as they possibly could via Facebook.  They would look at all you Drag Queens on my friends list, and probably have a heart attack.

And now that I am writing it out, I also link my blog to facebook, and I don't think that they would appreciate my rants of how I am tired of having to sit in traffic for 35 minutes because a cow thinks he's grand and is deciding to stand in the middle of the street, blocking traffic.


Boom. Done, the American way. :)

Looking forward to seeing all of your faces. I hope to be announcing some big news in the next post, but will be sure to post before I leave India.

P.S. If I have to buy another suitcase to bring all the crap you all asked me to bring you home, you are paying for it.


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