Tuesday, August 7, 2012

It's Been Real, India....

So today is the day.

I have finished up my last day at work, packed my bags, and now waiting to head to the airport.

Not looking forward to the 22 hours it is going to take to arrive home, but happy to be heading in that direction shortly.

I have learned so much on this trip, and have a new respect for my country. While I think that the whole "bribing police officers to get out of stuff'' here is kind of cool, That doesn't outweigh a cheeseburger...

This country has so much to develop still, but it houses some of the most passionate, caring, and happy people I have ever met in my life. The simplistic style of the way they live their life is very comforting. They aren't worried about the little things, and live in the moment.

That's something that I know I can learn a lot about. I always focus on "What's next? When do I get to try that? Now that I am here, how do I get there?"

I have learned that  I need to cherish the things that I have, the family I was blessed with, the friends that love me, and my boyfriend, who is VERY patient with me.

I know that one thing that I will really miss here is the people. When I was leaving the office today, several people became very emotional over my leaving. It's nice to know how much you are appreciated, and how someone can really look up to another human being.

You have probably seen these pictures on Facebbok, however, I wanted to close out my last post in India with some pictures of things that I have seen and experienced. Enjoy.

Yes, that's a cow in the middle of the road.

I will never forget this experience. It has been life changing, and I hope that you have all enjoyed reading about my travel. Until next time...


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