Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Movie Stars Don't Know Anything...

Hey Hey Hey!

Only a few more weeks, and then I am back home! I am suuuper excited to see Colton, my baby nephew. That's one challenging thing about being away from home.

Anyhow, I think that everyone needs to add "See an Indian bowl for their first time" to their bucket list, because it is HILARIOUS.

I went bowling the other night with Iza and Tano and next to us, there were two guys who have never bowled before in their life. I think they got their American sports mixed up, because one of them were throwing the ball like a baseball… In sandals.

Yes, sandals. It was awesome. 

This weekend we are off to go see the Taj Mahal. Mohan will be driving us, and if you saw the video on Facebook of me dancing to the "Happy Birthday" Song while Mohan was driving us to the Kingdom of Dreams, the tune is quite catchy. Iza, one of the Team Leaders from PayPal Malaysia, said that because we told him that we liked that song, he played it the whole way to Agra (which is where the Taj Mahal is located). That's 4 1/2 hours of one song.

ONE song. 4 1/2 hours.

Mohan told me that he will be bringing another song to listen to on the way. That’s comforting. We will be listening to two songs. For 4 1/2 hours.

I asked him if he could burn me the CD that had this Happy Birthday song on it, and he said, "Sure! No problem! For 50 rupees."  C-O-N Artist!

Iza has a friend that she met in Amsterdam that is living here in India on an internship for work, and we had the opportunity to go hang out with her and her friends last weekend. It was amazing. I met several Europeans from all over, including Germany, Italy, the UK, Spain, etc. They were very nice, and super accommodating, seeing as how we showed up to a party with NO beer…

After we left the party, we found a club that had a rooftop bar in a village, and of course, I made friends with the owner who proceeded to buy is rounds throughout the night. We made it home around 330AM, and poor Iza had to get up at 530 to go to Agra and see the Taj Mahal. Listening to the Birthday Song. For 4 1/2 hours. She wasn't too pleased with me. :) 

So I also went and got my hair cut, by this stylist name Habib, who apparently is the best in Delhi. We got my hair cut, and I have been doing it slightly different, and one of the guys that work at the hotel bar said to me,

"Mr. Hall, I love your new hair cut, it's very suave, very movie star, very 'I don't know anything'."

I said, "Oh, thank you Sumhir, that's very… wait, what??!"

Pretty sure he told me that I looked good, but also looked like a giant dumbass who doesn't know anything. Thanks Sumhir.

A picture has been attached with the new hair sytle for your perusal. Feedback is welcomed, not sure how I feel about it. :)

Talk soon.


1 comment:

  1. ummm...nerd hair! My cool Danny looks like a 12 year old going to church! What are they doing to you? !!
